The Lighting Superstore Blog

Lighting Blog

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Here you'll find a whole host of different posts from The Lighting Superstore team. Posts about the latest lighting trends and technologies, posts about the latest lighting designs and additions to our range, extensive product reviews plus much more.

Energy Efficiency in the UK - How many Areas are converting to LED Streetlights?

Posted By: Matthew on 05/08/2021

It's increasingly important for councils to take action to reduce the country's carbon footprint. One initiative in the UK aims to increase energy efficiency by converting the nation's streetlights to LED or other energy saving lamps.

LED lights are great for reducing carbon emissions, because they use far less energy than conventional bulbs to produce the same amount of light.

The Lighting Superstore has been investigating the UK's street lighting to measu.... Continued on the Energy Efficiency in the UK - How many Areas are converting to LED Streetlights? blog post.

The psychology behind retail design

Posted By: Matthew on 08/01/2018

The psychology behind retail design, including retail lighting

With online shopping becoming more and more prominent retailers need to ensure customers are attracted into shops and stores and make purchases. Here at The Lighting Superstore, we’ve looked at the tricks that some retailers use to entice customers to make purchases, and it’s not all down to the products on sale. Your senses can play a big part in how you act in any environment, so retailers use different t.... Continued on the The psychology behind retail design blog post.

The Future of Smart Homes

Posted By: Matthew on 11/08/2017

The Future of Smart Homes

Smart phones, smart watches and smart hubs, but what about smart homes? Smart Technology has given us new ways of doing things and this is soon to be extended and introduced into our homes in more ways than expected. Smart thermostats and app controlled appliances have already entered the marketplace but there’s a lot more of that to come.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

With rapid advancements in technology such a.... Continued on the The Future of Smart Homes blog post.

The Most Eco-Friendly Offices in the World

Posted By: Matthew on 28/06/2017

Many of us are becoming increasingly concerned by the environment and the potential impact our lifestyles and actions can have on it. In many cases, individuals are trying to reduce this impact through recycling and other small lifestyle changes; however, it’s not just the individuals who are trying to do their bit for the environment, as our new infographic shows.

In fact, big corporations and businesses are trying to reduce the negative impact they can have on the environmen.... Continued on the The Most Eco-Friendly Offices in the World blog post.

The World’s Most Instagrammed Views

Posted By: Matthew on 22/05/2017

The World’s Most Instagrammed Views

For many of us, posting photos of our adventures on Instagram is something we do on a regular basis. But have you wondered how many of the images of your travels are unique? Our new infographic uncovers the views around the world which are the most posted about on Instagram, including views of the Empire State Building, the Louvre and the Sagrada Familia.

By looking at which hashtags are most commonly used on Instagram, we were abl.... Continued on the The World’s Most Instagrammed Views blog post.

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